Q1. Is learning to fly difficult?
Q1. 學飛困難嗎?
Not really. It does however require commitment. Flying is not difficult it is challenging and fun. Even the airline pilot strives for that perfect landing!
學習飛行不僅不困難 , 過程還充滿挑戰和樂趣 ; 但學飛絕對需要有投入和付出的精神。精益求精 , 學無止境 , 即使是專業的飛機師 , 也時刻在追求最完美的降落 !
Q2. How old can I be?
Q2. 幾多歲才可以開始學飛?
There is no minimum age limit to initiate your training. You can start learning as soon as you are old enough to see over the dashboard and reach the pedals. However, you need to be at least:
- 16 years of age for solo flying
- 17 years of age for receiving a PPL
學習飛行是沒有最低的年齡要求的 , 基本上只要你看得見標板 , 又夠高操作把手 , 你已經可以開始了。不過如果你要進行個人飛行訓練 , 你至少要有16歲 ; 要考取私人飛行員執照 , 則要年滿17歲。
Q3. How long does it take to get my RPL/PPL licence?
Q3. 拿到「基礎飛行進度測試」和「私人飛行員執照」需時多久?
Your training is not time limited. We understand that everyone has different aims and objectives in aviation. Additionally, we all have busy lives, so at HKFTC we will schedule your flying in accordance with your needs.
考取牌照是沒有時間限制的。我們深明不同人有不同的目標和作息時間表 , 香港飛行訓練中心會根據個別需要 , 設計最適合你的訓練計劃。
Q4. What theory options do we have?
Q4. 我們要上多少理論課?內容多嗎?
There are 3 modules designed for secondary school students and 4 modules for adults:
Theory modules for secondary students:
1.Sky Experience; 2.First Solo; 3.Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL).
Theory modules for adults:
1.First Solo; 2.Recreational Pilot Licence; 3.Navigation & Meteorology; 4.Performance & Planning
Theory is not difficult, but it will take time and efforts. We are able to provide flexibility in theory training to suit different students needs.
中學學員需完成三個階段的理論課程, 成人學員則要完成四個階段。
1.Sky Experience; 2.First Solo; 3.Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL)
1.First Solo; 2.Recreational Pilot Licence; 3.Navigation & Meteorology; 4.Performance & Planning
理論部分其實不難, 但要求學員用心學習和付出時間。因應不同學員的個別需要 , 我們願意盡力配合和安排。
Q5. What type of aircraft do you fly?
Q5. 你們用的是什麼類型的飛機?
Our flying school in Australia and the U.K. operates a variety of different aircraft including Diamond DA40, Cessna 172SP and Piper PA28 Warrior. Most of the aircraft are equipped with Garmin G1000 glass cockpit.
我們的飛行訓練學校位於澳洲 , 機隊由不同型號的飛機組成 , 包括 Cessna C172SP, Diamond DA40, 及 Piper PA28 Warrior。
Q6. Parafield Airport better than others?
Q6. 澳洲的 Parafield 機場有什麼優勢?
Parafield is a much larger airport with a control tower and has two pairs of parallel runways. It is widely used for flying training by airline cadets and charter flight thus exposing the student to all of the operational challenges of flying. Parafield is a busy but very well organised airport that will prepare you well for safe flying in the Adelaide area.
Parafield 機場是一個擁有自己的控制塔和兩對平行跑道的機場 , 比其他用作飛行訓練的機場大。除了飛行訓練外 , 機場也容許包機升降 , 因此學員有機會面對更多實際環境會出現的情況。Parafield 雖然繁忙 , 但管理非常完善 , 確保學員在阿德萊德範圍安全飛行。
Q7. Are the medical standards strict? Can I wear glasses?
Q7. 體格和健康要求嚴格嗎? 我可以戴眼鏡嗎?
You have to be healthy. Vision can be correctable with glasses. Medical standards vary depending on whether you want to fly commercially or just for recreation. However, the requirement for obtaining a RPL or a PPL licence is a Class II medical certificate issues by CASA or UK CAA.
學員必須要有健康的體魄。視力方面 , 可以通過配眼鏡解決。至於具體的要求 , 得視乎你想從事商業飛行還是消閒式飛行。無論如何 , 要考取「基礎飛行進度測試」和「私人飛行員執照」, 需要領取由澳洲民用航空安全局簽發的二級體格檢驗證書。
Q8. What does the licence give me? What do these licences allow me to do?
Q8. 考取牌照後 , 我可以做什麼?
You have to be healthy. Vision can be correctable with glasses. Medical standards vary depending on whether you want to fly commercially or just for recreation. However, the requirement for obtaining a RPL or a PPL licence is a Class II medical certificate issues by CASA or UK CAA.
考取牌照後 , 你可以駕駛飛機 ! 持有澳洲私人飛行員執照的機師 , 可以在良好天氣情況下 , 於日間駕駛指定型號的飛機往來澳洲任何一個角落 , 並可以接載搭客 。
Q9. How do I start?
Q9. 我應如何開始?
Complete the HKU SPACE Application For Enrolment SF26 with the information provided in the programme information sheet then submit it with appropriate course fee in person or by mail to HKU SPACE.
You may also give us a call at HKFTC and make a booking to speak with us, look at the learning material and the photos of our training in Australia.
先報讀由香港大學專業進修學院開辦的理論課程。請填好報名表 SF26 , 連同學費交回香港大學專業進修學院。假如你想了解更多 , 我們樂意為你安排一個更深入詳盡的介紹會面 , 讓你可以先瀏覽課程素材以及過去學員上課和實習的照片。